Translation table to map Latin-1 to ASCII?

John Machin sjmachin at
Sun Jan 26 17:57:19 EST 2003

Rene Pijlman < at de.nieuwsgroep> wrote in message news:<t4t73vc63vo2kuf5p5t4ao4cdmng7p2387 at>...

> accentstable = string.join(map(chr, range(192)), "") +
> "AAAAAAACEEEEIIIIDNOOOOOxOUUUUYpBaaaaaaaceeeeiiiionooooo/ouuuuypy"

You have mapped 0xF0 (small eth) to o, instead of d. Is this

You have mapped 0xDE (capital thorn) to P and 0xFE (small thorn) to p.
On a sound-alike basis rather than a look-alike basis, it may be more
appropriate to map these to T & t (or TH and th). I can't imagine
non-Icelandic people searching for 'Porstein' unless they are reading
directly off some Icelandic text in which case they probably would
have enough of a clue to realise that 'Porstein' wouldn't retrieve
anything of much relevance. 'Thorstein' seems much more likely.

Likewise 0xDF (small sharp s) may be better mapped to s (or ss) than
to B.

You may wish to contemplate the notion that a single mapping of one
byte to one byte may not be the best way to go, but of course this
depends on what you are trying to achieve.

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