American Football Game

Richard Pasco ma0rp at
Thu Jan 30 06:09:50 EST 2003

Is anyone here interested in writing a American Football simulation
game with me? I a relatively new coder and have some algorithmic
experience but little graphical. I would like to make a decent
simulation of American Football, the graphics are less important, more
the gameplay and feel. I envisage some sort of overhead view with
small sprites, nothing too fancy.

I personally would really like to do the main algorithm of players
performance - ie how well the QB sees the field, how well the reciever
runs his route, how much the big game affects your star running back
etc. I would like help with that but mainly with drawing the sprites,
animation, GUI etc.

I don't have that much time, maybe 6 hours a week but would still like
to have a go, and see if we could come up with something passable.

Has anyone tried it? Does anyone want to try it?!

Let me know on ma0rp at


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