passwords to CGI

Will Stuyvesant hwlgw at
Wed Jan 15 13:21:19 EST 2003

[Paul Rubin]
> Unless it's a game where you expect serious cheating to be going on,
> or if you have game elements that are traded for real-world money
> (like people sell Everquest characters on ebay), you probably don't
> need to bother with SSL.

Hmm, actually I think I would have fun catching cheaters.  And there
is no money involved.  Yet.  Heh.

> If you're running your application as a cgi, that will slow it down
> some under heavy loads, but that may not be a problem for you.

There is a game click about every 20 minutes, so speed should not be
an issue.  But I do want superfast loading pages, that is what CSS is
good for (I heard:)

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