Decimal arithmatic, was Re: Python GUI app to impress the boss?

Sat Jan 4 14:29:59 EST 2003

On Sun, 22 Sep 2002 14:45:34 -0400, rumours say that Tim Peters
< at> might have written:

>where after a few months my boss took me aside and
>reminded me that I was hired to be a prostitute, not a missionary <wink>

Quite incredible[1].  Same thing, same words (but in Greek) were used by
my boss then in a similar discussion early '91 (I would presume that the
discussion with your boss happened earlier and you never mentioned it
before 1991, so my boss never got to read them somehow.  Or there might
be an older common reference...).

I remember I found the selection of words quite appropriate for me then
to help me land in the real world...

[1] or maybe not.  Although the coincidence of words is amusing
(actually, he used the somewhat more harsh italian (very widespread in
my country too, sono certo che Alex lo sa :) word for 'whore', not for
'prostitute'), I now find easy to believe that the concept of doing this
comparison must be quite common in the software industry.
TZOTZIOY, I speak England very best,
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