Best SMTP/POP library?

Gerhard Häring gerhard.haering at
Wed Jan 22 11:53:47 EST 2003

Robert Oschler <Oschler at> wrote:
> "Gerhard Häring" <gerhard.haering at> wrote in message
> news:slrnb2ten0.1gg.gerhard.haering at

Considering this reference "line", I agree you need a new MUA :-)

>> Robert Oschler <Oschler at> wrote:
>> > I want to write my own email client, what is the best SMTP/POP library
> for
>> > Python 2.2? URL's please.

Yeah, considering this "quoting", you definitely need one ;-)

>> What's wrong with smtplib and poplib in the standard library?
> Gerhard,
> Nothing, but there's so much stuff coming out for Python these days, I feel
> it's always a good idea to ask in case there's something new and exciting I
> might not know about.

For a (GUI) MUA blocking calls like the ones in smtplib and poplib tend to
annoy the user.  Twisted might come in really useful there.

OTOH maybe using smtplib/poplib in a separate thread and communicating via
Queue.Queue or whatever works well, too.

But if you can avoid threads, that's a Good Thing [tm].

Anyway, if you have some spare time (and people who want to develop their
own MUA definitely have), I'd recommend you check out Twisted [1].  It
certainly falls in the new and exciting category.

While you're at it, (Python Mail
System - a framework for creating MUAs in Python) could also poffer some
useful code.

One other thing: you'll most likely want a threading algorithm. I started
one once but AMK got got a stable one finished before me:


Gerhard Häring
OPUS GmbH München
Tel.: +49 89 - 889 49 7 - 32

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