Easiest way to include C libraries

Peter Hansen peter at engcorp.com
Tue Jan 21 20:10:55 EST 2003

Marc wrote:
> Basically I have to include a bunch of header files (.h for C) or .dll
> files (for Tcl) and be able to access them from Python code. These
> files are quite large, so any manual intervention will be time
> consuming. The new release of Python mentioned some new ways of
> extending it, but I'm not sure how many people have used these new
> functions or what problems they might have.

Look into "calldll" or the newer potential replacement ... uh.. dang!
What was the name of that thing?  Why didn't I bookmark it. :-(

(No doubt some kind soul will post the name and save us the trouble
of searching futilely for it... so far Google hasn't helped me.)


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