Extracting int from string

Thomas Boettcher boettcher at rz.rwth-aachen.de
Tue Jan 14 04:28:13 EST 2003

hi spencer,

 >>On 13 Jan 2003, Spencer Ernest Doidge wrote:
 >>>'X=   45   A'
 > On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, [iso-8859-15] Mikael Sch?nenberg wrote:
 >>>>>int(''.join([c for c in 'X=   45   A' if c in '0123456789']))

micke's code just cuts out all non-digits and presents the int of the 
remainder. so 'X=    45   A   32' for example would produce 4532 - if 
thats what you want.

maybe you want something like this:

# importing regular expressions module
import re

# regular expression to find the first number in a string
reObj = re.compile('\D*(\d+)')

# producing your answer
answer = int( reObj.match('X=   45   A').group(1) )

the reObj has to be compiled once but can be used at multiple locations 
in your program.

if your string does not contain a number this will throw an 
AttributeError since the reObj.match will be None.

have fun


++ Thomas Boettcher               Computing and Communication Center ++
++ office: 2.35                      University of Technology Aachen ++
++ phone: +49 (241) 80-29205                        Seffenter Weg 23 ++
++ mailto:boettcher at rz.rwth-aachen.de          52074 Aachen, Germany ++

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