migrating from Access

Lester lester at herven.noSPAMplease.com
Sun Jan 5 21:56:44 EST 2003

I am not a professional programmer, and have never taken a course, 
although I have a bookshelf full of books that I've started, so my 
programming knowledge is spotty, twenty years of messing about, so 
spikes of knowledge here and there, but not a lot of foundation.

Anyway, I have made a fairly large application for a client in Access 
and VBA that manages the reservation, administration and accounting for 
their banquet hall business.  I have made sure that I continue to own 
the IP for this application.

Now I would like to port it over to something free and cross platform. 
I would like to recreate the app and GPL it.  Python + MySQL looks good 
because I can read and understand the code examples in the book -- Perl 
gives me a headache.  BoaConstructor looks good.  Any thoughts on this 
would be appreciated.

More specifically,
In access I can assign the data source for a form (er, frame I guess in 
python) as an SQL statement, and then all the objects in the form read 
from the same record.  How would I go about achieving this in Python?

Thanks for your help.

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