MySQLdb and strings with quotes / long strings

Skip Montanaro skip at
Fri Jan 24 14:22:45 EST 2003

    Chris> I'm trying to put email messages into a MySQL database. I'm happy
    Chris> enough with the 65k character Text field length limit, however
    Chris> I'm having trouble getting the data in.

    Chris> I construct a SQL string insert into... set body='%s'... %(body)

    Chris> body has had body = string.replace(body, "'", "''") done to it,
    Chris> which should escape the strings with quotes in, but I get this
    Chris> traceback

It's probably easier to just let MySQL do the quoting:

    con = MySQLdb.Connection(...)
    cur = con.cursor()
    cur.execute("insert into ... set body=%s ...", (body,))


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