Doesn't work (was: Re: httplib won't accept URL with parameters (???))

Phillip ritschratsch at
Sun Jan 12 20:47:15 EST 2003

pythonhda schrieb:
> On Fri, 10 Jan 2003 01:20:16 +0100
> Phillip <ritschratsch at> wrote:
> ...
>> >and then use the >HTTPConnection class becuase that is
>> >what is in use now.
>>I don't quite get the documentation on how I'm supposed to tackle this.
>>HTTPConnection has different parameters (3 instead of 2) and some other 
>>issues that aren't *that* well dosumented. From what I gather I just 
>>can't change the constructor and be done with it....
>>A, well, we'll see.
> I don't quite understand what you mean. You didn't change the contructor

No. But just chaning it won't make it work with HTTPConnect either. 
I'dhave to rewrite the whole class (not that it's that big... but still)
That's all I'm saying.

> in your original code. You basically wrapped procedure code into a class
> Check section 11.6.3 in the docs (I have Python 2.2.1) I was able to 
 > reproduce what you wanted to do originally (using the examples from
 > that section) in about 7 lines of code.
> Also check out:

There is no way whatsoever that I can get it to work with what I've got!
Wget works, so I presume that it's the parameters that are passed that 
httplib just plain can't handle.
The problem is that this isn't documented anywhere.
Could it be that the parameters invoke a serverresponse that is somehow 
different from a normal response to an URL and therefore isn't 'sensed' 
by httplib?
When I use a any kind of Browser or wget it works! It simply doesn't 
work with httplib. One Moment please
Back again.
Just did another test. It won't work with HTTPConnection either!
Status is: 302 reason is: Found
What the fuck is happening that Browser and Wget take care of but 
httplib don't??? I'd really like to know. Any clue?


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