help on autosuper

Michele Simionato mis6+ at
Sat Jan 25 08:09:16 EST 2003

In his essay on type/class unification, Guido defines the following 

autosuper metaclass:

--- begin ---

class autosuper(type): #Guido's metaclass

def __init__(cls, name, bases, dic):

super(autosuper, cls).__init__(name, bases, dic)

setattr(cls,"_%s__super" % name, super(cls))

class C(object): #a simple class


--- end ---

Notice that I have put the metaclass in a module called autosup.

Everything works as expected; however, there is some incompatibility 

with pydoc:

>>> import autosup

>>> help(autosup)

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in ?


File "C:\PYTHON22\lib\", line 279, in __call__

return*args, **kwds)

File "C:\PYTHON22\lib\", line 1510, in __call__

File "C:\PYTHON22\lib\", line 1546, in help

else: doc(request, 'Help on %s:')

File "C:\PYTHON22\lib\", line 1341, in doc

pager(title % (desc + suffix) + '\n\n' + text.document(thing, name))

File "C:\PYTHON22\lib\", line 267, in document

if inspect.ismodule(object): return apply(self.docmodule, args)

File "C:\PYTHON22\lib\", line 961, in docmodule

contents.append(self.document(value, key, name))

File "C:\PYTHON22\lib\", line 268, in document

if inspect.isclass(object): return apply(self.docclass, args)

File "C:\PYTHON22\lib\", line 1093, in docclass

lambda t: t[1] == 'method')

File "C:\PYTHON22\lib\", line 1035, in spill

name, mod, object))

File "C:\PYTHON22\lib\", line 269, in document

if inspect.isroutine(object): return apply(self.docroutine, args)

File "C:\PYTHON22\lib\", line 1116, in docroutine

realname = object.__name__

AttributeError: 'super' object has no attribute '__name__'

Somebody can tell me what's happening, please ?



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