Pyro 3.1 released

Irmen de Jong irmen at
Sat Jan 25 11:49:53 EST 2003

I'm glad to announce the latest version of Pyro: 3.1!
You can get it via, then go
to the SF project homepage download area.

This is the second release in the V3 series.
Pyro 3.0 was a big improvement over 2.8, and 3.1 is better still.

What's new since 3.0:
* Rewrote the Event Server. Finally the long standing crash problem in
 a busy multithreaded scenario has been fixed.
* Improved documentation even more.
* Proxies can now be pickled and tossed around in your Pyro system.
* Support added for PyXML's xml-pickler. Faster than Gnosis Tools XML pickler.
* New SynchronizedObjBase base object.
* CallbackObjBase improvements.
* Added and improved some examples.

What is Pyro?
Pyro is an acronym for PYthon Remote Objects. It is a basic Distributed
Object Technology system written entirely in Python.

It is extremely easy to implement a distributed system with Pyro, because
all network communication code is abstracted and hidden from your
application. You just get a remote Python object and invoke methods
on the object on the other machine.

Pyro offers you a Name Server, an Event Service, mobile objects, remote
exceptions, dynamic proxies, remote attribute access, automatic
reconnection, a very good and detailed manual, and many examples to get
you started right away.

Have fun!
Irmen de Jong.

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