
Troy Melhase troy at gci.net
Tue Jan 21 15:45:53 EST 2003

When you say "a ZEO client using wxPython" I assume you mean that you want a 
wx app that uses ZEO to load and save data.  If that assumption isn't 
correct, please let me know.

That said, I have a wxPython app that uses ZEO, and haven't had any 
problems.  The only issue I've encountered is high CPU utilization when 
saving lots of data via ZEO.  I'm pretty sure that behavior is specific to 
my applications data and the methods I use to store them.

My suggestion is to code normally, and only worry about problems when you 
find them.  :)

Good luck,

"Mike Thompson" <none> wrote:

> I'm interested in writing a ZEO client using wxPython. Is this possible?
> Would their event loops have to be unified?
> Any pointers gratefully accepted. I can find nothing on this despite
> vigious googling.
> Many Thanks,
> Mike.

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