Interesting problem comparing strings with integer values...

Chris Spencer clspence at
Thu Jan 16 14:38:38 EST 2003

	Okay, I came up with a solution, and my boss refined it (it's nice to
have a boss that "gets it"), and I took it and refined it some more.  Pasted
below is the solution to this whole problem.
	Note that "".zfill(16) *is not implemented* in the basic string type
methods, but is implemented in the string module.  Interesting, that.  So
instead of importing the string module, I just rewrote zfill.
	I'm posting this here in the hopes that no one else will ever have to
solve this problem again.


def zfill(s_Value,i_Padding,i_Ljust=1,s_Padchar="0"):
	"""Take a string value and pad it out with a specified character.  If
the string is longer than the padding, the whole string will be returned.

	s_Value - The string value to be padded out.

	i_Padding - The number of spaces to be padded.

	i_Ljust - Whether the padding should be to the left of the string or
not.  Set to 0 to pad out to the right side of the string.  Defaults to padding
out the left-hand side of the string.

	s_Padchar - The character used for padding. This will only use the first
character in the pad string as the padding character. Defaults to "0".

Return Values:
	The string, padded out to the length specified with the padding
character.  If s_Value is longer than the padding, s_Value will be returned

	if len(s_Padchar): s_Padchar=s_Padchar[0]
	if i_Ljust: return s_Padchar*(i_Padding-len(s_Value))+s_Value
	return s_Value+s_Padchar*(i_Padding-len(s_Value))

def int2binary(i_IntVal):
	"""Take an integer/long value and return a hexidecimal representation of
it as a string.  Used in situations where a number MUST be represented as a
string, but comparison operations on it need to succeed as well.

	i_IntVal - The number to be processed.

Return Values:
	A hexidecimal representation of the value.

	return zfill(hex(2**63 + i_IntVal)[2:-1],16)

def float2binary(f_FloatVal):
	"""Take a floating point value and return a hexidecimal representation
of it as a string.  Used in situations where a number MUST be represented as a
string, but comparison operations on it need to succeed as well.

	f_FloatVal - The number to be processed.

Return Values:
	A hexidecimal representation of the value.

# turn the fraction into a negative value
# if the whole number is a negative value
	if fval<0.0: neg=-1
	else: neg=1
# split the floating point value into 2 strings
# the whole number, and the fractional part.
# cap the precision to 15 decimal places
# fill any remaining spaces with 0s
	return int2binary(parts[0])+"."+int2binary(parts[1])

On Thu, 16 Jan 2003 04:25:30 GMT, "Jeff Hinrichs" <jlh at> wrote:
>> Programming is about solving problems.  I asked a programming question
>> with a certain number of constraints as to what the solution could be.  I
>do NOT
>> think it's off topic for this newsgroup just because you don't like the
>> constraints.  If you can't help me, that's okay.  But please don't flame
>> Chris.
>The solution to your problem falls back to older language implementation of
>constraints (ala COBOL/ISAM) you must define all numeric fields.
>All fields will have to be padded.  You can convert them to what ever format
>when you present them
>to the user but in the DB they must all be the same length, storing the
>decimal isn't necessary but you will
>have to define how many there are when you store and retrieve.  All numbers
>must carry signs if negatives
>are possible.  You won't be able to store arbitrary precision or size.  This
>will allow you to index and
>compare them the way that you want.  You convert with a function like
>def cvtString2Float(dec=5,places=10, stringValue):
>    # Here you whack away with stringValue[] to get sign, value right of
>decimal, value left of and then cast and return
>    return floatValue
>going the other way:
>def cvtFloat2String(dec=5,places=10,floatValue):
>   # left as exercise for reader
>  return stringValue
>I've worked on junk like this before and if there was a better way I haven't
>met a grey hair/beard that knew how.<g>
>have fun!

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