good name for a dict/list hybrid

Andrew Dalke adalke at
Mon Jan 6 18:45:49 EST 2003

I have a class which I'm calling DictList.  Its used for an ordered
dictionary which can have multiple keys, though in almost all cases
it only has single keys.  It is ordered, so I want away to get an
entry by position in the insertion order, which are integers.

This means I can't use integers as keys, which is not a problem.

Here's what it looks like

 >>> dl = DictList.DictList()
 >>> dl["Name"] = "Andrew"
 >>> dl["PubDate"] = "1975 Jun"
 >>> dl["Lang"] = "English"
 >>> print dl.keys()
['Lang', 'Name', 'PubDate']
 >>> print dl[0]
('Name', 'Andrew')
 >>> dl["Name"] = "Andrew Dalke"  # Duplicate entry
 >>> dl["Name"]                   # Only gets the first entry
 >>> dl.getall("Name")            # Gets all "Name" entries
['Andrew', 'Andrew Dalke']
 >>> dl.allitems()
 >>> list(dl.allitems())
[('Name', 'Andrew'), ('PubDate', '1975 Jun'), ('Lang', 'English'), 
('Name', 'Andrew Dalke')]
 >>> del dl["PubDate"]
 >>> list(dl.allitems())
[('Name', 'Andrew'), ('Lang', 'English'), ('Name', 'Andrew Dalke')]
 >>> dl.keys()
['Lang', 'Name']

I can't figure out what to call this thing.  I chose "DictList"
because it's a hybrid between a dictionary and a list, but that's
a bad name since it can be confused with a dictionary of lists, or
a list of dictionaries.

This sort of data structure must be common.  Eg, headers in email
act like this.  ( provides no hints for a name.)

What should I use?

Code will be posted after I get a good name.  :)

					dalke at

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