HOWTO : Py_CompileString !?!?!

Luc acid_til at
Fri Jan 31 10:46:51 EST 2003

Mark Charsley wrote:
> In article <OXa_9.4120$nD1.943639 at>, 
> acid_til at (Luc) wrote:
>>>>I'm trying to embed python in my C++ application. I have a python 
>>source >>file names and what I want to do is first try to 
>>compile it to >>see if any syntax error or import error occurs.
>>Here is the script in question :
>>import FOMath
>>#FOMath has a method called PointValue()
>>def test():
>>	print FOMath.PointdddValue()
>>This should't compile because a syntax error is present...
> There isn't a syntax error I can see. Until you run the string, python 
> doesn't know that FOMath hasn't had a function called PointdddValue added 
> to it. 

If I understand correctly, because Python is interpreted anything goes 
for functions names and variables... until runtime. If such syntax error 
is present the runtime will catch it. Right ???

> Now if you left out the colon in "def test():", that _would_ be a syntax 
> error, and Py_CompileString would return NULL.
>>The way I compile the code from C++ is done like so :
>>//str contains the file that just loaded...
>>Py_CompileString((char*)str.c_str(), "<>", Py_file_input);
> That looks about right.
> Mark

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