Do pythons like sugar?

Afanasiy abelikov72 at
Thu Jan 9 01:52:47 EST 2003

I've written this method for a text formatting class...
But it's ugly as sin. With all those self's I consider
it much less readable than it could be...

A few languages provide syntax sugar for dealing with
this by allowing you to localize the class scope.

Does Python? eg. `with self do:`

  def format( self, width=80 ):    
    self.lines = ['']
    i = 0
    for word in self.text.split():  
      if self.textwidth(self.lines[i]) + self.textwidth(word) <= width:
        if self.textwidth(self.lines[i]) > 0:
          self.lines[i] += ' '
        self.lines[i] += word
        i += 1

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