how to use unicode?(2)

gfu gfu at
Mon Jan 27 10:18:07 EST 2003

>gfu wrote:
>> 	>>> u'行都'
>> 	 u'\xcb\xc6\xcd\xf8\xd2\xb3'
>In Python 2.2, you cannot put non-ASCII characters into a Unicode 
>literals(*). In Python 2.3, this is possible, but only if you declare 
>the file encoding (i.e. you cannot enter them readily in interactive mode).
>So if you want those characters in a string, you need to write
>Here, U+884C and U+90FD are the Unicode code points of the two 
>characters you show above. Alternatively, writing
>unicode('行都', 'gb2312')
>should also work, provided you have a codec for gb2312 installed (and 
>provided your input is really encoded in gb2312).
>(*) Strictly speaking, you can put any Latin-1 into a Unicode literal if 
>the file is encoded in Latin-1.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
thank you.
	>>> s=u'\u884c\u90fd'
    >>> print s

it's ok.but:
	>>> s = unicode('行都', 'gb2312') 
	UnicodeError: ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in range(128)

how to install a codec for gb2312 ? how to my input is really encoded in gb2312?


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