[ann] Minimal Python project

Edward K. Ream edream at tds.net
Fri Jan 10 18:37:09 EST 2003

> As Armin Rigo of PSYCO fame takes part in the effort,
we are confident that MinimalPython will eventually
run faster than today's CPython.

This announcement seems to be making a truly remarkable claim, namely that
one could increase the speed of  C code by recoding it in Python and then
applying Psycho to it.

I am inclined to disbelieve this claim.  Why should Psycho be able to do
better than an optimizing C compiler applied to hand-written interpreter
code and/or library code?  The only possibilities I can think of:

1. The GIT somehow has access to enough run-time information to perform some
truly excellent optimizations.
2. The granularity of the data processed by the GIT somehow is big enough to
again affect some excellent optimizations.
3. There are other marvelous optimizations, unknown to me and available
neither to Guido nor to an optimizing compiler that can be applied.

My guess is that none of these are true.  Furthermore, I suspect that if
such optimizations are available to the GIT the optimizations could also be
made available either to Guido or to optimizing C compilers.  Note that the
fact that Psycho can improve Python code is not, by itself, an indication
that it could improve the corresponding C code!

Would anyone care to enlighten me how MinimalPython will achieve its stated

Edward K. Ream   email:  edream at tds.net
Leo: Literate Editor with Outlines
Leo: http://personalpages.tds.net/~edream/front.html

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