Virtual access of class attribute from within the class

Anton Muhin antonmuhin at
Tue Feb 25 10:31:31 EST 2003

Stefan Quandt wrote:
> How can I access a class attribute (or class method)
> from within the class in a virtual way, so that in a derived class
> the the member of the derived class will be accessed?
> Here is a non-working example to explain what I mean:
> class A( object ):
>     hello = None
>     def __init__( self ):
>         pass
>     def _setHello( x  ):
>         A.hello = x * x	# How can this assignment be made virtual?
>     setHello = staticmethod( _setHello )
> class B( A ):
>     hello = None	# Without this statement B.hello will be A.hello!
>     pass
> B.setHello( 10 )	# Here B.hello shall be set
> print A.hello, B.hello	# (but of course is not).
> Since python is an oo language and all members ar virtual, there should be
> a simple way to achieve that.
> Who knows how?
> - Stefan

Actually, another solution might work:

class A:
     def myHello(self):
          return "hello"

class B(A):
      def myHello(self):
          return "B's hello"

It should work, if you need hello from non-static methods or static 
methods with object passed. BTW, it seems that you choosen wrong design, 
if you need something like this

Another approach, that should work:

B.hello = something # :)


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