Compiler directives in the source

Andrew Dalke dalke at
Thu Feb 6 15:24:06 EST 2003

Skip Montanaro <skip at>:
> Yes, but code containing such a cookie wouldn't run on older versions of
> Python.  Sticking the encoding information in a magic comment is a hack,
> everyone knows that,

There's also the deprecation route.  Say that for new versions of
Python the encoding is specified by the syntax

%encoding -blah-

but for backwards compatibility the form

#%encoding -blah-

is also allowed, in in Python 2.5 it will generate a DeprecationWarning
and in 2.6 a DeprecationError.

Me, I don't care.  I've been doing all this for entirely too long,
so I get the shivers when I see non-ASCII anywhere, ... execepting
a bit of Latin-1 in comments.  So any solution is better, and it's
not something where I care that deeply about the elegance.

    	    	    	    	    	dalke at

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