python-dev Summary for 2003-01-16 through 2003-01-31

Andrew Dalke adalke at
Thu Feb 6 05:47:16 EST 2003

Brett C. wrote:
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> python-dev Summary for 2003-01-16 through 2003-01-31
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> `String method: longest common prefix of two strings
> <>`__
> 	Didn't go anywhere; Guido said he doesn't want to add every useful
> thing as a string method since there are already so many.

Isn't that what os.path.commonprefix already does?

 >>> import os
 >>> os.path.commonprefix(["This is a line", "This is another line", 
"This isn't
for you"])
'This is'

I know it's in a strange spot, and I never liked that the
common prefix of

   /home/dalke and /home/dalkea

is "/home/dalke" when I wanted "/home".  Still, the functionality
already exists and is more powerful than a string method which
only takes two strings at a time.

(The implementation is slow, but that's a different point.)

					dalke at

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