Creating zip-files using pythons zipfileobject

Rene Pijlman at de.nieuwsgroep
Tue Feb 4 18:19:10 EST 2003

Marco Rist:
>I'm using pythons Zipfile to recursively walk through a directory an 
>creating a zip-file containing it's file and directory-structure. This 
>works fine, but some files to be compressed contain german 'umlauts' 
>(ä,ü,Ö etc), and when I try do decompress the zip-file the filenames in 
>it seem to be corrupted, e.g. 'Übersicht' is now called '³bersicht' ...

I concur. 

I've created a .zip file using Python 2.2's zipfile.ZipFile on
Windows 2000 and when I inspect the created zip file in WinZip
8.1 the diacrits in the Windows 1252 codepage are mutilated. 

When I create the same .zip file with WinZip I don't see this

René Pijlman

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