sun memo reveals java's bloat, puts it on a par with python

Peter Hansen peter at
Sat Feb 15 16:29:54 EST 2003

John Roth wrote:
> This was discussed on Slashdot a couple of days ago.
> ad&tid=108
> I'm not sure what the final consensus was, but there was
> a strong feeling that it was a hoax.
> There are a couple of rather obvious bloopers even in
> the part quoted, such as the item about Python not
> being a compiled language in the same sense as Java.

In addition, there seemed to be a strong consensus amongst
those discussing it (and who had actually *read* the memo)
that the content limited itself to a discussion of problems
with the *Solaris* implementation, and said very little
about Java in general.

Even if true, it's merely interesting, not profound... also
not remotely Sun's official position, or an indication of
a change in strategy for the entire corporation.


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