(patch for Bash) adding Python features to Bash

Rene Pijlman reageer.in at de.nieuwsgroep
Thu Feb 13 11:47:44 EST 2003

Grant Edwards:
>Rene Pijlman:
>> But seriously, I'm still curious as to why the OP wants to use a
>> Pythonically enhanced bash, instead of just Python.
>You seriously use Python as your login shell?!?!?

I assumed we were talking about scripting. Are we not?

I'm dead serious. I've done quite a lot of bash scripting on
Linux and one of the reasons I'm currently learning Python is to
get rid of bash for this purpose. I'd prefer to use a full
fledged programming language with decent data structures,
exception handling, classes etc.

So that's why I was wondering why someone would want to
Pythonize bash. I gather this is only for interactive use. 

René Pijlman

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