For review: PEP 308 - If-then-else expression

Anthony Baxter anthony at
Sun Feb 9 01:00:28 EST 2003

>>> Dale Strickland-Clark wrote
> >I'm prejudiced against change, and proud of it.  Not to the extent of
> >opposing all change without consideration, but my default opinion of
> >any change is "no thanks" and the merits of any change have to
> >overcome that.
> Then you are against language development. Why not just take your
> current download of Python and leave?

Michael didn't say that. He said that any change had to overcome a
builtin prejudice against change.

As far as "why doesn't he take his download and leave" - well, if he did
that, the community would be the poorer, as he's one of the harder
working members of the python-dev team. Aside from abuse, what have
you contributed to the community?

> One of the beauties of Python is the way it is growing and evolving.

No. One of the beauties about Python is that it's growth and evolution
is careful and considered. If I wanted to use a language with everything
and the kitchen sink thrown in, I'd use Perl, or C++. Python's change
is deliberately cautious.

> in current parlance. Or the same after the proposal. Not a good
> example. Are you paid by the code-line?

Do you have to resort to abuse in every post you make?

Anthony Baxter     <anthony at>   
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

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