ternary operator vote

James J. Besemer jb at cascade-sys.com
Mon Feb 10 16:37:34 EST 2003

Aahz wrote:
> In article <2xR1a.22206$F25.5011 at nwrddc02.gnilink.net>,
> Raymond Hettinger <python at rcn.com> wrote:
>>"James J. Besemer" <jb at cascade-sys.com> wrote in message
>>>I would humbly suggest that somebody other than Aahz control the
>>>I don't know Aahz.  I have no reason to doubt his integrity or expect
>>>him to cheat.  Nevertheless, he has indicated considerable hostility
>>>towards the propsoal and this strikes me as inconsistent with the
>>For someone like Aahz, strong convictions do not preclude fairness.
> Thank you.  I appreciate the vote of confidence (and that applies to
> everyone else who's said similar things).

It's not about trust.  It's about avoiding the proverbial appearance of 
impropriety.  Psychological experiments have shown that bias can affect a 
person's decision making even though the person is not conscious of the 
influence.  I think the vote should be controlled by a proponent of the PEP, 
not an opponent.

Per PEP1, it is traditional for a "PEP champion" to lead the process.  IMHO 
Aahz clearly does not qualify as a "champion."  Certainly, his talk about 
"super majority" and other unnecessary voting challenges seems biased and 

This PEP faces an uphill battle all the way.  We have already heard motions 
to vote soon -- before even enumerating the many alternatives, let alone 
culling the list.  I think this order of voting would be extremely pejorative 
to the PEP.  In the absence of a "beautiful" proposal, it's hard to argue 
that a person should vote 'yes'.

Per PEP-1, prospective PEPs should be given a chance to be adapt to feedback 
and gain consensus of the community.  Glossing over this key part of the 
process would be grossly unfair.  Given that this may be the PEP's only 
chance, it should be given every courtesy.  Prematurely cutting off the 
discussion would rob the PEP of a chance to build support.

I don't want to make too big of a deal about this but, with all due respect, 
I think Aahz should recuse himself.  Then he'll be free to continue to try 
and shoot down the PEP (Though I was heartened to see you move to a +0.5 at 
one point).  Surely the minuscule prestige ascribed to the "vote controller" 
in this one case is not worth his fighting over.  I'll be happy to support 
him in a case where he truly supports the PEP.

For the record, it's my recollection that somebody nominated Aahz and he 
accepted before there was a 'second' or any discussion.  Far as I'm 
concerned, the community certainly has not discussed, voted upon nor agreed 
to this result.



James J. Besemer		503-280-0838 voice
2727 NE Skidmore St.		503-280-0375 fax
Portland, Oregon 97211-6557	mailto:jb at cascade-sys.com

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