For review: PEP 308 - If-then-else expression

Andrew Dalke adalke at
Sat Feb 8 03:38:52 EST 2003

> You've put your finger on the reason I feel a stronger negative reaction
> to this than the listcomps.  It seems rare to me that someone tries to
> directly transpose a for loop into a listcomp or vice-versa, but I think
> that'll be much more common with this.

And when that occurs, the for/if order is the same, as in

result = []
for x in data:
  if x[0] > 5:

which is mapped almost directly as

result = [x[1] for x in data if x[0] > 5]

The term out of order is the 'append' component, not the if.

                    dalke at

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