Get the object in a specific frame of a frameset

Kelly vampireke01 at
Tue Feb 4 04:42:09 EST 2003

I'm developing an application in Python and DTML,HTML (more specific
with the CMS Zope).

I made a frameset with a navigation page and the actual information

    <title><dtml-var title></title>

  <frameset rows="10%,*">
    <frame src="hoofding">
    <frameset cols="20%,*">
      <frame src="nav" name="nav">
      <frame src="welkom" name="info">

I'm seeing the frame alive and well but now I want to adapt my
nav-frame to my info-frame. Therefor I have to find out which specific
page is displayed in the info-frame. I've tried and searched a lot but
I don't seem to succeed :-/

Can anyone help me with this? Thx

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