__import__ confusion

Leazen leazen at uol.com.ar
Mon Feb 24 22:41:04 EST 2003

	I'm having some trouble understanding how __import__ works.
	From the docs I read that "from spam.ham import eggs" results in
"__import__('spam.ham', globals(), locals(), ['eggs'])" rendering the
later function call 'eggs', what ever that is, but I actually get 'ham'!
	For example:

>>> __import__('os.path', globals(), locals(), 'join')
<module 'ntpath' from 'C:\Python22\lib\ntpath.pyc'>

	So I wonder what the last argument is for since it seams rather
useless. I could'va just written:

>>> __import__('os.path', globals(), locals(), 'asdfasdfasf')
<module 'ntpath' from 'C:\Python22\lib\ntpath.pyc'>

	Now I realize that the last argument should be a list but that doesn't
seam to make a difference.
	Any enlightment would be welcome.


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