Web application development in Python?

Tim Lavoie tlavoie at acm.org
Tue Feb 4 10:51:48 EST 2003

>>>>> "Hans" == Hans Nowak <wurmy at earthlink.net> writes:

    Hans> (By the way, ASP had sessions; are there Python web app
    Hans> systems that provide a similar mechanism?)

I think that Webware had them built-in, and they're available in Zope,
though perhaps as an add-on product. I know I've used the latter, I
just forget where it came from.

Webware's WebKit seemed to be very close to Java servlet-style
development, which I like too, with PSP or Cheetah templates making
for a nice, flexible front end. Actually, have a look at those
templating systems either way, as they may take a big chunk out of the
effort you need to expend in the process.

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