(patch for Bash) adding Python features to Bash

Rene Pijlman reageer.in at de.nieuwsgroep
Thu Feb 13 18:40:29 EST 2003

Dennis Lee Bieber:
>Rene Pijlman: 
>> I'm dead serious. I've done quite a lot of bash scripting on
>> Linux and one of the reasons I'm currently learning Python is to
>> get rid of bash for this purpose. I'd prefer to use a full
>> fledged programming language with decent data structures,
>> exception handling, classes etc.
>        Part of what you want is REXX 

But if _all_ of what I want is Python, I ask again, why would
anyone want to use REXX and worry about how to Pythonize it?

Are these languages (bash, REXX) really more powerful for shell
scripting (WTMB) than Python?

>(IBM even released an Object-REXX for OS/2

Wow... sounds promising :-)

René Pijlman

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