__init__ & attributes clarification

Peter Hansen peter at engcorp.com
Sun Feb 2 17:05:30 EST 2003

Afanasiy wrote:
> Are these two, in effect, the same?
> class hive:
>   workers = []
> ...
> class hive:
>   def __init__(self):
>     self.workers = []

Definitely not.  Understand that when you define the class,
you are not creating an instance of the class, but just the
"template" for instances (which are called objects).

The __init__ method is used to initialize an *instance* of
a class, which is created when you do "x = hive()".  If you
create another instance, "y=hive()", you have two of them,
and each one has its own "workers" list stored inside.

On the other hand, the first example creates a single 
workers field which is attached to the *class* itself,
not to a single instance.

Given the names you've used, it seems likely the latter
example is the way you want to go (each hive has its own


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