Multiple processes, one code

Scott Ransom ransom at
Thu Feb 6 22:27:44 EST 2003

Hi All,

I am using Python to control a pulsar search code that performs 
a series of very CPU intensive operations on a list of files 
(radio data).  The code runs on dual processor nodes of a 
Beowulf cluster and the jobs are submitted through a batch 
system.  Each processor of a node executes an identical Python 
script (via the batch system) and the processes need to 
coordinate to evenly split up the files to be processed on the 

My current solution for this coordination seems like an 
incredible kludge and I can't help thinking there is a better 
way.  I currently do it by creating and locking a temporary file 
something like this:

from os import remove
from glob import glob
from fcntl import *

files_to_process = glob("*.dat")

# If using 2 CPUs, determine if we will analyze the first
# half of the data files or the second half
flag = open("PROC_firsthalf", "w+")
try: lockf(flag.fileno(), LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)
except IOError:     # Can't get the lock, therefore 2nd
    flag = open("PROC_lasthalf", "w+")
    firsthalf = 0
    myfiles = files[len(files_to_process)/2:]
else:               # Got the lock, therefore 1st
    firsthalf = 1
    myfiles = files[:len(files_to_process)/2]

# Work on each file
for file in myfiles:

# Remove the lock and the temporary files
if firsthalf:
    lockf(flag.fileno(), LOCK_UN)


One of the problems that I have with this solution is that if 
something happens to the job(s), the PROC_firsthalf and 
PROC_lasthalf files are left around.  I therefore have to be 
very careful about cleaning up after problem jobs have run.

I would much prefer to do this without a temporary file being 
written.  Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,


Scott M. Ransom            Address: McGill Univ. Physics Dept.
Phone:  (514) 398-6492              3600 University St., Rm 338
email:  ransom at    Montreal, QC  Canada H3A 2T8 
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