For review: PEP 308 - If-then-else expression

Fernando Perez fperez528 at
Fri Feb 7 18:40:42 EST 2003

Guido van Rossum wrote:

> PEP: 308
> Title: If-then-else expression


After being spending 95% of my programming time in python for the last year 
and a half, the lack of a ternary operator is probably one of the very few 
things (if not the only one) which REALLY pisses me off about the language.  
I love python and proselytize it heavily, but this bothers me to no end.  I 
find to be an affront to competent programmers to be forced to be 
over-verbose to death (if/then/else in multiple lines) or absurdly obscure 
(all the and/or/[] tricks).

Pretty much everything else I initially labelled as a personal 'wart' in the 
language, I soon realized was my own forcing my old ways (C/Perl) onto 
python instead of learning python's own way.  But this one, I just can't 
shake it off.

So I for one am super-super happy to see it go in (if it does indeed).  At 
least I can cast my vote.



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