For review: PEP 308 - If-then-else expression

Paul Rubin http
Sun Feb 9 23:44:45 EST 2003

"Samuele Pedroni" <pedronis at> writes:
> I still prefer
> and "success!" or "failure.")
> over
> ok: "success!" else: "failure")

OK, at that point it just get down to a matter of subjective
preference.  I personally find the second version far more explicit
and understandable.  I guess in C, x?y:z isn't usually convertable
to (x&&y)||z, but the comparable expression in Lisp would be
(or (and x y) z).  One occasionally sees that, however
(if x y z) or (cond (x y) (t z)) is generally preferable.

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