ANN: Leo 3.11b1 outlining editor

Edward K. Ream edream at
Tue Feb 18 06:27:18 EST 2003

> I thought Leo was a pretty cool idea when I first ran across it. Do you
> know anything about it being incorporated into Vim or vica versa?

I'm not sure what you mean by incorporating Vim into Leo.  Leo does allow
you to customize keystrokes pretty much as you would like.  One of these
days I'd like to add support for a meta key...

As for incorporating Leo into Vim, I sometimes hope that somebody will
incorporate the core functionality of Leo into some very popular editor so I
can devote more time to playing the piano :-)  However, this is a big task,
and getting bigger every day.  It includes:  outlining, cloning, tangling,
untangling and all of Leo's other commands and features (many of which do
not exist in non-outlining contexts) as well as automatic tangling and
untangling of files with embedded sentinels.  Finally, there would be the
new plugin architecture to support, so presumably the editor would have to
be written in Python, although yeah, something like emacs lisp would do in a
pinch ;-)

Edward K. Ream   email:  edream at
Leo: Literate Editor with Outlines

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