(patch for Bash) adding Python features to Bash

Alan James Salmoni alan_salmoni at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 13 10:25:31 EST 2003

William Park <opengeometry at yahoo.ca> wrote in message news:<b2fbhl$1b1lpk$1 at ID-99293.news.dfncis.de>...
> To Python and Bash users:
> I got tired of going back and forth between Python and Bash.  So, I
> added few Python features to the shell.  Patch for Bash-2.05b is
> included at the end.  Use at your risk, and enjoy. :-)


Have you heard of IPython
(http://www-hep.colorado.edu/~fperez/ipython/) - I'm not sure if it is
the same thing, but it is an interactive shell with Python abilities.
I shall try it out myself tonight and give it a whirl. Apologies if
you are doing something different.

Alan James Salmoni
SalStat Statistics

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