global threading.Lock not locking correctly?

Afanasiy abelikov72 at
Tue Feb 4 13:00:05 EST 2003

On Tue, 04 Feb 2003 10:16:48 -0500, Tim Peters < at>

>> # My logic tells me this should never print 'OOPS', yet it does.
>> # Can someone tell me why? (P.S. this is simplified example code)
>But is this the actual code you ran?


I am replying to this just to answer your question. My question was
already answered. However, I am now curious what I should have said
instead of "P.S. this is simplified example code". I am finding it
difficult to communicate here and I consider my English excellent.

I feel I have to over-explain and cover all sorts of 'back-doors' in order
to avoid rather pointless 'problems' later. So... what should I have said?

For example, I figured some could attack me for my 'example' code not
protecting the critical section properly with a try/finally, etc.

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