Beginner : removing tuples from a list

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at
Sat Feb 8 15:25:31 EST 2003

Ways to get what you want:

 >>> t = 
 >>> europe = ['uk','f']
 >>> filter( lambda x, europe=europe: x[2] not in europe, t )
[(1, 'john', 'usa'), (4, 'jack', 'usa')]
 >>> [ entry   for entry in t    if entry[2] not in europe ]
[(1, 'john', 'usa'), (4, 'jack', 'usa')]
 >>> for i in xrange( len(t)-1, -1, -1):
...     if t[i][2] in europe:
...         del t[i]
 >>> t
[(1, 'john', 'usa'), (4, 'jack', 'usa')]

The problem you're seeing is that you're mutating the list you're 
iterating over so that the for-loop is winding up skipping indices. 
 Reverse iteration works, as would using a while loop and only 
incrementing the index when you _don't_ delete the current item.  The 
filter and list-comprehension versions are actually different beasts, 
they create entirely new lists, rather than changing the original.


Fabrizio wrote:

>I have a list containing tuples ("records") :
>t = [(1,'john','usa'),(2,'jim','uk',),(3,'jeanne','f'),(4,'jack','usa')]
>I want to remove all the "european records". I tried the following, but it
>doesn't work  :
>europe = ['uk','f']
>x = 0
>for z in t :
>    if z[2] in europe :
>        t.pop(x)
>    x = x +1
>print t
>>>>[(1, 'john', 'usa'), (3, 'jeanne', 'f'), (4, 'jack', 'usa')]
>But Jeanne is still there...
>TIA for your help

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

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