[OT] hidden agenda

People for Peace and Democracy gerrit at nl.linux.org
Tue Feb 11 16:30:33 EST 2003

Dear citizens,

Over the last few weeks, we, the People for Peace, have carefully
followed the recent development going on in the world. We think
the climate is hardening, and that is a bad thing. We have, as
everyone else, noticed what is happening. The Leader, who publicly
declares himself a Democrat, sure has a hidden agenda.

On the outside, it seems the Leader wants to spread democracy by
propagating Debate. But in reality, the only thing the Leader is
after, is distracting the peoples concerns from the Real problems.
By making people spend hours and hours on issues they think of as
important, the true issues are silenced.

We are concerned by this development. We think distracting
people's concerns by spreading PEPs into the world is no good.
We believe the true Goal of the Leader is World Domination. To
dominate everyone and everything, including his own people.
The Leader has triggered thousands of e-mails on a PEP. But what
he really wants is World Domination.

We want to raise a voice against this devopment. Democracy is
not about plussing-one on minning-one on PEPs. In this 'Democracy',
50% of the posts is done by a small elite people of ten. Meanwhile,
in their closed back rooms, the People are thought of as 'vox
populii illetarati'. Let's stop raising our Voice on side issues.
We need to get on with our work.

People for Peace and Democracy,
Brian Square 0.10000000000000001,
Donations: nr.

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