Deamon for Linux, in Python

Benne benne at
Wed Feb 26 12:40:16 EST 2003

Well - I looked at the sites you gave me, but it didn't make any sence to me
(or am I just tiered?)
What I have to do, is to make a small daemon, which fetch som data from a
website (using httplib), and listen for some incoming TCP-connections. I got
that right, but the daemon-part is really hard to swollow...
It has to be without any extention-libs, cause it has to run on different
machines, so if I can get some sourcecode or examples, it would be really
great :o)

 - Benne

"Rene Pijlman" < at de.nieuwsgroep> wrote in message
news:p0rp5vgsvr7052bl69mmpok4vkp7ut60ls at
> Benne:
> >Is it possible to bould an system-service / deamon in python?
> Sure. Depending on what this daemon should do, this may come in
> handy:
> --
> René Pijlman
> Wat wil jij leren?

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