The 3D picture of Python

eichin at eichin at
Mon Feb 10 01:08:35 EST 2003

> No. But I don't know of any Python developers that use a class browser
> anyway.

Actually, when I was trying to learn qmtest (without actually trying
to learn python for it's own sake) SourceNavigator
(multix^h^h^hcygnus^h^h^hredhat's IDE) was useful class browser,
though it was the graphical connections of classes which, while not
especially sophisticated, appealed to my visual side.  Unfortunately
it didn't provide anything like a call graph/dynamic object graph,
which would have been a much more useful analysis/reverse engineering

Unfortunately, the version of SourceNavigator in Debian has broken
printing support, so I couldn't do the really useful thing of
spreading out the graph across a big enough table to see all of it.
(And now that I've learned python in its own right, I just draw the
graphs up-front in "dia" :)

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