ternary operator vote

Christian Tismer tismer at tismer.com
Sun Feb 9 09:51:30 EST 2003

James J. Besemer wrote:

> I would humbly suggest that somebody other than Aahz control the voting.

Why this?

> I don't know Aahz.  I have no reason to doubt his integrity or expect 
> him to cheat.  Nevertheless, he has indicated considerable hostility 
> towards the propsoal and this strikes me as inconsistent with the role.

If you don't believe he cheats, why shouldn't
he do it, then? I see no difference between
an opponent and a proponent performing this
task without cheating.

> Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it TRADITIONAL for a PROPONENT of a 
> PEP lead the discussion, revise the PEP accordingly and call for a 
> vote?  There are several members qualified to lead this effort.  Andrew 
> Koenig stands out as one; at least his diligence to date indicates he 
> may have the time for it.

I'm also sure that you don't want us to think
that you'd prefer a cheating proponent, but
your shouting might smell like this.

I-know-Aahz-better-than-you* - ly y'rs - chris

* both possible meanings hold
Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at tismer.com>
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