Defending the ternary operator

Jp Calderone exarkun at
Sat Feb 8 17:31:09 EST 2003

On Sat, Feb 08, 2003 at 04:50:06PM +0000, Alexander Schmolck wrote:
> Andrew Koenig <ark at> writes:
> > As I noted (with variations) in another thread, I think that
> > readibility is proportional to brevity * familiarity.
> Almost, but not quite (see below).
> > So something short but unfamiliar is hard to read until you
> > become familiar with it.
> > 
> > The essence of Laura's argument, I think, is that many programmers
> > will not become familiary with if-expressions, as they're used only
> > from time to time, which means that when they do encounter them,
> > it will be a mental stumbling block.
> I think you're missing one important aspect: predicatability of the sort that
> syntatic uniformity buys you. That is because it allows you to parse larger
> chunks, e.g. you always know that when you run into the token "if" the context
> is as follows: ``if CONDITION: DO_SOMETHING ...``. 

  To expand on this, a bit...

  Let's refer back to the PEP itself:

        x if C else y if D else z <==> x if C else (y if D else z)
        x or y if C else z        <==> (x or y) if C else z
        x if C else y or z        <==> x if C else (y or z)
        lambda: x if C else y     <==> lambda: (x if C else y)
        x if C else lambda: y     <==> SyntaxError
        x if C else y, z          <==> (x if C else y), z
        x, y if C else z          <==> x, (y if C else z)

  Now, to me, at least 3 of the above forms will be confusing, until I
memorize the new precedence relationships this introduces.  Any time I read
one of these unfamiliar groupings, I'm going to have to stop and find the
documentation that describes this.  There is no predicability here - the
precedence has been arbitrary decided.  In isolation this form may be
perfectly readable, but does anyone really expect that isolation is going to
be the most common use?


It is practically impossible to teach good programming style to
students that have had prior exposure to BASIC: as potential
programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of
regeneration.        -- Dijkstra
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