win32file.pyd Device Error on W95

Erno Kuusela erno-news at
Thu Feb 20 14:18:45 EST 2003


On Thu, 20 Feb 2003, Carlos Ribeiro wrote:

| I think it was a case of something born before the right time, and
| with no chance to go back and start over from the scratch.

i agree, with this and most of the stuff i snipped.

| That's why almost everyone uses one of the advanced widget sets
| available and leave X at a safe distance.

that's a bit like saying "that's why almost everyone uses one of the
advanced protocols available and leave IP at a safe distance" - x was
not trying to define a gui or a widget set (which was part of the
problem.) - they thought that this is somebody else's problem. they
were right about the problem part... ;)

  -- erno

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