Some thoughts about Python, and non-English languages

Daniel Dittmar daniel at
Fri Feb 7 19:09:48 EST 2003

Müller-Oertel wrote:
> What could be done to improve it? I suggest to name an editor for each
> language. He or she should be a native speaker of this language and would
> compile and maintain a basic welcome page like this:

It is very doubtful than you'll find one editor for each language and 
that he/she could keep it current all the time.

I've added a page to the wiki 
( and 
started the german page. This doesn't help much with your initial 
complaint (that non english speaking programmers have a hard time 
finding the appropriate links). But having the links in the wiki has 
some advantages:
- it's easier to add/delete/change links
- you can subscribe to a page and get notified when it changes
- you could change the structure

I've also sent a mail to the group responsible for the current page 
'Non-English Python Resources' to ask if they allow me to move the 
current links to the wiki.


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