distutils / RedHat8 with rpm 4.1

Jeff Epler jepler at unpythonic.net
Sun Feb 2 15:36:31 EST 2003

"rpm -b..." and a few related options (rpm --rebuild) must now be called
through a separate "rpmbuild" program

I recall from a discussion that "rpmbuild" has existed for several releases
(at least the 7.x versions) so it may be mostly safe by now to use in
distutils.  (any rpm 4.x version)

adding lines like these to your "rpmpopt" file might make the old "rpm
-b..." commands work (taken from a 7.2 machine) :
# Popt glue to preserve legacy CLI behavior.
# XXX popt exec parsing doesn't honor POPT_ARGFLAG_ONEDASH
rpm     exec --bp               rpmb -bp
rpm     exec --bc               rpmb -bc
rpm     exec --bi               rpmb -bi
rpm     exec --bl               rpmb -bl
rpm     exec --ba               rpmb -ba
rpm     exec --bb               rpmb -bb
rpm     exec --bs               rpmb -bs
rpm     exec --tp               rpmb -tp
rpm     exec --tc               rpmb -tc
rpm     exec --ti               rpmb -ti
rpm     exec --tl               rpmb -tl
rpm     exec --ta               rpmb -ta
rpm     exec --tb               rpmb -tb
rpm     exec --ts               rpmb -ts
rpm     exec --rebuild          rpmb --rebuild
rpm     exec --recompile        rpmb --recompile
rpm     exec --clean            rpmb --clean
rpm     exec --rmsource         rpmb --rmsource
rpm     exec --rmspec           rpmb --rmspec
rpm     exec --target           rpmb --target
rpm     exec --short-circuit    rpmb --short-circuit

rpm     exec --initdb           rpmd --initdb
rpm     exec --rebuilddb        rpmd --rebuilddb
rpm     exec --verifydb         rpmd --verifydb

#rpm    exec -e                 rpme -e
#rpm    exec --erase            rpme --erase
#rpm    exec -U                 rpmu -U
#rpm    exec --upgrade          rpmu --upgrade

rpm     exec --addsign          rpmk --addsign
rpm     exec -K                 rpmk -K
rpm     exec --checksig         rpmk --checksig
rpm     exec --resign           rpmk --resign

rpm     exec -q                 rpmq -q
rpm     exec --query            rpmq --query
rpm     exec --querytags        rpmq --querytags
rpm     exec -V                 rpmv -V
rpm     exec -y                 rpmv -y
rpm     exec --verify           rpmv --verify

rpm     alias --with            --define "_with_!#:+       --with-!#:+" \
        --POPTdesc=$"enable configure <option> for build" \
rpm     alias --without         --define "_without_!#:+    --without-!#:+"
        --POPTdesc=$"disable configure <option> for build" \

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