PEP308: Yet another syntax proposal

James J. Besemer jb at
Mon Feb 10 18:12:15 EST 2003

Aahz wrote:
> Dave Brueck  <dave at> wrote:

>>Short-circuit evaluation is never "necessary" in _any_ language - it's
>>just very, very useful sometimes. Python's 'and' operator doesn't _have_
>>to be a short-circuit operator, but it's far more useful because it is.
> "Far more useful", eh?  You need to argue that, not just claim it.

This has been asked and answered many times.

Or are you saying Python would be better if it's 'and' and 'or' did not short 


James J. Besemer		503-280-0838 voice
2727 NE Skidmore St.		503-280-0375 fax
Portland, Oregon 97211-6557	mailto:jb at	

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