PEP 308: "then" "else" for deprecating "and" "or" side effects

Christian Tismer tismer at
Fri Feb 14 23:25:30 EST 2003

Sean Ross wrote:
> Actually, he does mean "x when C else y",  not "C when x else y"...
> And, while we're here, doesn't that sound nice?
>     wear = "jacket" when outside.iscold() else None

It sounds absolutely nice, much nicer than an "if"
in the same position. Dunno why, probably just my
25 years of being used to "if" being in front.

Maybe sometimes a new keyword hurts much less than
imposing a new meaning to an existing one.
Could really live with that.

When is pretty - ly y'rs -- chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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